14 May 2016

Do you think creating flying cars is an interesting idea? Would you like to have a flying car? Why/ Why not?

Nowadays technologies are being developed faster than in the past and this allows creating new devices or in this case new vehicles: flying cars. These cars will be sold before we expect because they are already being developed to be sold next year. But is this an interesting idea?

First of all, I think these flying cars would permit us to move around our city faster and without taking up so much space in the streets as our cars or motorbikes do. These flying cars could fly faster than three hundred km/h so we could travel longer distances without getting stuck in traffic jams. Moreover, these flying cars may be safer than the normal ones because do away with lots of accidents on the road. Therefore, for the last few years, lots of car brands have been interested in the investigation of these new cars.

To sum up, I’m sure I would buy one of these cars if I could pay the soaring price that they will have during their first years on the market, which is, to my mind, their only drawback.
Adrià Febrer

Nowadays having a car is something very common, everybody has one! And some families have even two! If you follow the modern trend, you can also have an electric car. Besides, who has never dreamt of driving a flying car? We would go faster, avoiding traffic jams and reaching inaccessible places. But technology has not advanced enough yet to create flying cars.

Firstly, having a flying car would be a dream come true, furthermore, technologically speaking, it would mean that the country which manufactured the car would have advanced considerably. Nevertheless a flying car is not so easy to create as its system is really complicated; it needs a lot of ingenuity and of course it requires a great economic effort. It could also be a disaster as in the air there are not any roads and this could cause many accidents because the cars would run wild. Finally, it is better to have an ordinary car if you want to travel a few kilometres, as flying cars would only be good for long distances.

In conclusion, I prefer an ordinary car and not a flying car, as it is more comfortable. I know a flying car is a dream, but it would be too expensive and not practical at all. But who can't resist of imagining oneself driving through the sky? Who knows? In the future we may achieve it!! Dreaming is free!!
Joan Pons 

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