It was a very strange day, It was raining and snowing at he same time and It was very cold. Also there was a lot of people who was crying and running in the village, and some police officer..(G) tryed (T) to solve this probleme, but It was impossible. While all this (G) things was (G) hapening out (WW) I was watching from my window's house (G), without understanding what was hapening thear(SP). ..
I really felt vary bad, and so sad to saw (T) what was happening in the village, because the world was changing. A few houres (SP)later I heard someone asking ... help and some food, and when I opened the door I found a lady with two smalls (G) girls. I started to talk with them to know what (WO) but suddenly some (G) police officer interrumped (SP) and shouted at us. I was verry (SP) scared but then I woke up and I realised that It was only a nightmare.
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