22 November 2014


Last year, my parents, my brother and me went to London. We went to visit my sister that was living there with her husband and my nephew. I hadn't seen them for 1 year, when they came to Menorca. I was very excited because I miss them a lot and Visiting London was a dream for me. I love that city because it's so pretty and I sometimes like a big city.

At first, we went to Barcelona where we waited for the next flight for three hours. This fligth took us to an airport that was next to London. After a day in airports and planes, we finally arrived at my sister's house. It was night time and my nephew had to sleep but he was very nervous and he couldn't. The next day we were very tired because we walked a lot, we went shopping and my mother loves it. She wanted to go to all the shops and my father got anxious because he hates buying clothes. The third day, we rented a car and went to Salsbury . We stayed two days there because we visited Stonehenge. We spent 4 hours in a car and that was so boring! When we returned to London we spent a day in Candem and other visting important places in the city, like Big Ben, Hyde Park,...

The trip had finished and I enjoyed it so much. I look forward to returning and seeing my sister and my nephew again.

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