7 October 2016

Why are video games so controversial?

Video games have been a controversial topic since their creation. Nowadays, the world is divided between people who love video games and those who only see their drawbacks. They are both right so, what could we do?

It’s obvious that, for the last ten years, video games have invaded teenagers’ leisure time and become their favourite activity. Although, this overuse is the cause of addiction and a huge amount of health problems. Moreover, it has social consequences because the child is getting away from real life and replacing his/her mates with internet friends. That’s the most critical point of video games, but they also have some benefits to balance the scales. For example, there are many educative games. In conclusion, the problem is not the game, it’s the huge amount of time we spend playing it. For that reason, we need to promote other activities such as sports to unplug children from electronic gadgets.

To sum up, the abuse of video games is still being a problem and we will have to cooperate to swap it over.

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