First of all, it seems to me that since mobile phones have other functions, besides text messages or phone calls, we are being more anti-social due to the fact that we have all kind of entertainment on it, so we tend to think that we don’t need anything or anyone else. Secondly, related to the last thing I said, the fact that we can be connected with everyone at the same time, makes us give less importance to the people that are around us, like our family.
The proof of this is that when we meet friends, sometimes happens that we begin to send messages to other people instead of paying attention to the conversation that we are having, and it is so annoying. In addition, I think that we are giving more importance to using our mobile applications in lieu of improving our culture and knowledge.
To conclude, we have to start pulling apart our mobile phones from our lives to start appreciating the company of people. That is why I strongly feel that mobile phones can be annoying and turn us into anti-social individuals.
Sofía Valencia 2A
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