26 November 2014


I was eleven years old when I realised there were three sisters in my class ... they were skinned they had always the pale skin. They were good students, very quiet and really beautiful. That is why many boys stared at them for hours. One day while I was talking with my soulmate, we realised when the sun shines, they don't come when the sun shone, they didn't come... and it was very strange. What about them? What happened (T) with(prep) them? We didn't know it, but we decided we will discover it we will have discovered it. 

It was in the dinning room's school while we were having lunch (I'll help you rephrase this), when I heard a conversation about blood. This conversation

I'm sorry but I think we lost the internet connection at the end of the class and that's why the rest of the essay wasn't saved.


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