24 November 2014


Here I was again, in a dark room. Chill crawled through my arms and I started to tremble. This was the third time I had had this dream, and every time it felt more real than the last one did.

Suddenly, two glowing and piercing eyes appeared in a corner, and a strong voice filled my ears immediately; "There you are" he said, "my lord told me you were coming, I was wondering how long could it take a human  to get here". I tried to say something but I couldn't say a word, my teeth were chattering heavily. He noticed and growled “You'll get used to it, now we have to go”.

What had seemed a dark room, lightened to let me see a beautiful icy landscape. Icicles could be spotted everywhere and the white snow covered the ground . We arrived at a huge palace made of 
ice and  from the time we entered I could feel how small creepy creatures were staring at me from hidden places through the frozen corridors. We ended up in an enormous room where a large figure with pointy ears, stood up in the middle. He looked directly at me and said with a smooth grin “Here you are, my Queen”.

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