15 October 2014


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Spanish officer authorities are saying now that they are monitoring 3 more potential cases of Ebola in Spain today after a nurses’ assistant became the first person to contract the deadly virus outside Africa during this epidemic. Authorities say the nurse’s assistant helped treat two Ebola stricken priests after they returned to Spain from two countries at the centre of the crisis. Both patients died, in fact, other doctors and nurses say the priests were almost dead upon arrival back in the country which is in itself raising all kinds of questions about why the priests were moved in the first place. 

Spanish authorities have even announced that they will put down the infected woman’s dog because some research shows there is a risk that dogs could transmit the virus to humans . CNN Isa Soares is live for us in Madrid Spain. Isa, what is the latest on this patient’s condition?

Hi Jake, yes, well, what we know is that she’s doing ok given the severity obviously of Ebola. We know from doctors here that she is on an IV drip with antibodies from other Ebola survivors. We also know that she is receiving an anti-viral drug that is being recommended by the World Health Organization. But today, Jake it hasn’t been so much about this auxiliary nurse, it has in fact been about the protests here on the streets. Perhaps the fact that this hospital behind me wasn’t ready to receive or to deal with Ebola in the first place. We have seen protests and protests yesterday, we have seen protests today, we are expecting to see protests tomorrow people from nurses to really trade unions. Unions that have come up today telling CNN that this hospital didn’t have the means, the capacity to deal with this and they basically told CNN that the equipment that they had really wasn’t up to scratch, it wasn’t up to the standard of the World Health Organisation. One trade union basically say it didn’t have a clothing that had a level 4 biological security and basically, what it means is that, it wasn’t fully water proof, it wasn’t fully impermeable. Also said they didn’t have an independent breathing apparatus. This has also come out in main newspapers here, El País, a very well-known newspaper here, where really health workers have been telling El País instead of having a level 4 equipment rather, they had a level 2, so very, very poor, substandard and in fact they had latex gloves and their gloves were bound with adhesive tape. So all these really puts into perspective why we’re seeing three more suspected cases of Ebola here. They are trying to figure out this hospital wasn’t in fact ready and nurses here tour telling CNN Jake that back in July they signed a letter and took it to court basically saying “ if anyone comes to Spain, if anyone is brought from west Africa, we will not have the means to deal with this. So the warnings signs were there Jake.

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