1 March 2014

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Smoking Electronic Cigarettes

Electronic cigarettes are commonly known as E-cigarettes or E-Cig. They work actually by the help of the battery and can be used as normal cigarette. In electronic cigarettes atomization of nicotine takes place. It gives same feelings as given by normal smoking. 

Following are the advantages and disadvantages of smoking electronic cigarettes. 


1. Healthier Alternative

The most important benefit of electronic smoking is that it has less adverse effects on health as compared to ordinary cigarettes. It is only made up of nicotine and some other material, which are used to just enhance the taste. Harmful material like tar, arsenic, acetone, and carbon mono oxide are not present in e-cigarettes. More over smoking e-cigarette does not result in yellow fingers and yellow teeth. 

2. No Passive Smokers: 

The other important benefit of e-smoking is that, people sitting around smokers are not affected. E-cigarettes do not emit smoke. It has vapors which vanish away in the air. 

3. Safety: 

There is no need of match stick or lighter to light up electronic cigarettes. It simply reduces the risk of accidental fire, due to burning of cigarettes. They actually do not have real flame while smoking. Simply a red light appears during smoking. 


1. Difficult To Inhale: 

Electronic cigarettes are difficult to inhale. Smokers have to suck it very strongly to attain the required level of nicotine. The smoker therefore requires stronger suction to produce the aerosol. This strong suction may lead towards lungs damage

2. Question ingredients:

Most of the companies add some harmful chemicals in it. They are dangerous for smoker health. Like diethyl glycol which is anti freezing agent. This chemical may lead to respiratory problems. Nitrosamine can cause cancer. If the cigarette breaks accidentally, the users will be exposed to these harmful components.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. E-cigs or electronic vaporizers are helpful in vaping that is not harmful as they don't contain any bad ingredients in them, they are very safe and don't affect health.

  3. I am very contented to get this blog! I will bookmark this webpage and share this with my friends too. ipv3 165w

  4. wonderful article. I use electronic cigarette and it really has several advantages over other traditional cigarettes. But sometimes it can also be harmful in some way. thanks for this helpful post
