2 February 2014

Should companies block social networking sites?

Internet controls and filters in the workplace are nothing new. Nearly one in four businesses block employee access to social networking web sites such as Facebook and Twitter. Just a few years ago, the idea of an online social network was revolutionary. With the number of Americans using social networking sites tripling in recent years, use of such sites has grown during work hours. But social networks pose an interesting case: their potential for professional as well as personal networking, not to mention the well-publicized use of Twitter for marketing and customer service. There's also the fact that they've become so ingrained in culture and communication that some companies choosing to block them can hurt their companies chances of success rather than help.

Did you know that over half of U.S. workplaces block access to social-networking sites? New survey results indicate 54% block social networks "completely," while another 19% only permit it "for business purposes." Some companies, additionally, may have different standards set for different degrees of employees--the guy running the company Twitter account and the human resources department may have extra privileges, for example. Is social networking a productivity killer or is this the perfect opportunity to boost sales in the new era? 8% of companies actually encourage employees to use social networking sites, and 10% say they are invaluable marketing, networking and sales tools. Banning use of sites could also make it hard to recruit young employees. 

I think part of the desire to block is fear of the unknown. When rock and roll first hit the scene, people around the world were horrified and wanted this new type of music banned. I believe as more and more companies become comfortable with social networking sites, they will less stress about the use. Social networking sites have paved the way for easier communication to your colleagues, customers and more. One example is that instead of meeting in a certain place, you and your potential client could discuss a transaction by having a conference in a certain site that you are all members of, thus saving you time and effort. Virtual communities are also formed, which are composed of people connected together by common interests, purpose, and goal. The idea of socializing with millions of people, in just one click, is exciting to the world of business. 

All in all social networking is here to stay, whether you are a fan of the concept to connecting with millions of people in a tweet or status, or whether you feel it is a distraction from your everyday duties it is a the future of business.


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