27 February 2013

Smoking Bans

  In 2011 the government decided to ban smoking in public places such as bars and restaurants.  This law has been put in affect to protect non-smokers from second-hand-smoke.  This has led to some controversy between smokers and non-smokers.

  On one side, the smokers feel entitled to smoke where and when they want.  They spend a lot of money on cigarettes every week and they want to smoke them comfortably inside a bar, not outside.  Another argument is that some establishments are suffering because they now have less clients because they rather smoke than go inside and eat.

  On the other hand non-smokers don't want to have to breathe in the toxic fumes from the cigarette of someone else.  They made a conscious decision to not smoke and if they're breathing in the smoke from others, what's the point?

  In my opinion this law should have been passed a long time ago, other countries have had them for years and it's led to healthier work environments.  Smoking inside forces non-smokers to inhale smoke they don't want and can lead to diseases like lung cancer.  Smoking is a personal choice that shouldn't be forced onto others.

Alejandro Carbajal 2º A

1 comment:

  1. locales: public places, premises, establishments
    Respirar: breathe / breath is the noun
