4 January 2015

Mobile phones: do they make our life easier or make us depend on it? _F

Mobile phones make our life easier or make us depend on it? It depends on each person, many people can't live without their mobile phones, but there are other people that use their mobile phones to make their life easier.

Fisrtly,  we can all see that there are a lot of people that are walking on the streets using their mobile phones, and many times they are close to bumping into somebody or something, like a streetlight. These are the people who depend on their mobile phones, and sometimes, they are addicts. On the other hand, there is another kind of people who only use their mobile phone to make their lives easier. These people don't spend time playing with mobile phone or sharing pics in social networks all day.

In conclusion, there are two types of people, the first are the people that depend on mobile phones, they spend time playing on them or doing something that isn't profitable. The others, are the people that use their mobile phone to make their lives easier, like organize their calendar or their meetings.

Guillem Orfila Camps. 2n Batx. A

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