4 January 2015

Mobile phones can be annoying and turn us into anti-social _ F

In my opinion mobile phones can be annoying and turn us into anti-social individuals. I think that many people who have a mobile phone spend too much time using their phones, even when two persons are taking a walk or drinking something one of them is using his phone all the time and doesn’t speak with the other person.

It seems to me that technological advances make the relationships between people more virtual. This prevents people from speaking face to face and do that through computers or phones. Furthermore, body language is lost.

In my view  we are losing face to face contact, nowadays people speak through mobiles and not face to face.

Personally mobile phones can be a good thing if we use them correctly, phones make our lives easier. But we shouldn't use them for everything. You should deal with people face to face with other people to become a better person.

Laura Moreno 2A

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