4 January 2015

Mobile phones: do they make our life easier or make us depend on it? - F

Nowadays everybody has a mobile phone and the use of these devices is increasing. At present, you need a mobile phone to have a job or have normal life in the society.  I think that mobile phones make our life easier.

Firstly, mobile phones give you lot of apps that are created to make you have a good time. People don’t get stressed waiting or you can enjoy your life more because you always have something to do. Secondly, you have almost everything instantly with your mobile phone because you can meet with somebody or order delivery, also you can see what you can do in the afternoon. Furthermore, you can do everything  faster because all you need is in your pocket. Finally, you have everything neater since everything is in your mobile phone, that makes some jobs easier because you an have a conference in the bus or in your car.

In conclusion, mobile phones help us with a lot of things and if we hadn’t this device we would live worse.

Toni Macías 2A

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