4 January 2015

Modern society encourages consumerism making us buy things we don’t need

It’s a fact that we live in a consumer society. Nowadays we attach great importance to the things we own, and we are always trying to have the most modern products. That’s making us buy things that we don’t really need, and most of us base our happiness on material things.

In my opinion, we give too much importance to the things that we have because we think that these things are what define us. Companies want people to buy their products, so they make us believe that we need them. We all want to have the latest products because we think they are necessary for us, and we feel disappointed if we can’t get them. Moreover, even if you buy them, they will soon be replaced by more modern and better products.

As a result, we base our happiness on things that aren’t really important and we have become a society in which the more you have, the more you want.

To conclude, we need to learn that happiness can’t be based on material things, it’s not necessary to have the newest and most expensive things. Before buying something, we should think if we really need it or if it's just a caprice.

Anna Cardona 2A

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