2 February 2016

Is it a good idea to share housework?

Nowadays people think there are some tasks only for women and men can’t do them, that’s quite a mistake, there’s no work only for one sex. Women start to have high-level positions in their companies, so they have less time to do housework and to stay with their children. Men can also feel better doing it. Nevertheless, there are also conflicts between men and women for sharing the housework because, if the man comes from a traditional family, maybe he can be obligated not to do tasks at home and the woman can become angry with him.Definitely, men and women should share the housework.

Men’s minds are changing because they don't think that the housework has to be done only by women any more. Years ago, men didn’t do certain tasks because if they did, everybody thought that they weren't manly enough. It's a good thing that our society has changed.

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