5 January 2015

University halls or sharing a flat_F

Most of us have surely been thinking what our life will be like when we leave home, to study at university… But now, when we have to start to take decisions many doubts come to our mind; for example what about sharing a flat with your friends or with people you don’t know anything about?

Personally I think that’s it’s better to share a flat with someone you know well, because sometimes living together can be difficult. For example I’m a person that loves cleanliness and order, and if you live with a mate that hates this, sure that you will have many arguments about it. For that reason I think that you should know many things about the person who is going to live with you. But like everything , sharing a flat has some advantages, firstly because sure that most of us will miss (at some moments) our sister with  whom you share your room and a shoulder to cry on is necessary. Secondly  sharing a flat is cheaper.Now we don’t care about the expenses but next year we will 

All in all,  I will share a flat, because I think it is better to live in the company of friends, but they must be the appropriate ones.

Alicia Gardés 2A

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