5 January 2015

Mobile phones: do they make our life easier or make us depend on it?

Since the release of the first mobile phone, which was not long ago, our society has been questioning whether it is a useful tool or something that prevents us from being totally independent.

In my opinion, as any other object, mobile phones are good or bad depending on what their owners use them for. It is known that today smartphones can do things that can’t be done without them: they are used to save lives (they allow us to call the local emergency number when needed), to connect people around the world, to record historic moments, to stay updated with the news, to manage our schedules... etc. Moreover, they constitute a quick access to the Internet and all the information it contains, knowledge has never been so easy to reach: you can carry your smartphone anywhere anytime and, consequently, access the information you need anywhere anytime. Furthermore, the Arab Spring wouldn’t have been possible without mobile phones. In summary, these devices have changed the world.

However, it can be argued that they make our lives too easy, that you don’t need to have any knowledge about anything since you can just ‘’google’’ it. Some people believe that they prevent us from enjoying the important things of life since we’re usually too busy watching banal YouTube videos instead of contemplating the wonders of nature. It is said that we use them in order to forget the real problems that sadden us, as we use drugs; that they are a way of keeping us ignorant and conformist, that we spend so much time with our smartphones because we are addicted to social networks, gossip news and other forms of audiovisual entertainment. But, the way I see it, these things, considered to be negative, happen as result of the wrong use of mobile phones.

So, in the end, we can use our phones to meet new people or to isolate us; to help us discover the world or to keep us ignorant; to make life easier or to avoid facing life... The choice is up to us. Personally, I embrace them because, with proper use, they do make our lives a lot easier.

Pedro Pérez 2A

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