4 January 2015

Modern society encourages consumerism making us buy things we don’t need

Our society is based on consumption. Nowadays we acquire unnecessary things and we buy compulsively. As a result, consumerism is becoming excessive and unstoppable. In my opinion technology, advertising and craving to be the best have an important role in this way of life and our “new modern society” disguises a false happiness.

First of all I think that today’s society provides happiness buying stuff and owning the latest things that appear on the market. Technology is making strides and with the launch of new products the desire of buying grows. Really,  we don’t need these new things. Despite not needing these new products, the wish of being the best and the latest makes us buy and consume

In addition, advertising makes us think that we need new things and we buy following clichés we see on television and magazines. Furthermore, the low price of certain articles makes us buy more.

To sum up, we would have to reconsider and think before buying unnecessary things. If we want, we can control our consumerism. Anyway it is a difficult job. After all, to live is to consume.

Marta Pons Gascón 2A

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