3 January 2015

Mobile phones: do they make our life easier or make us depend on it?

Mobile phones have existed since the 80s and, at first, it seemed like this new gadget had the potential to make our lives easier by allowing us to talk to people from all around the world, especially when it came to business matters. However, a question must be asked: Are mobile phones starting to become an addiction to us instead of just being a tool to make our lives easier? I don’t know about you, but my answer would be yes.

First, I am going to start by pointing out the fact that, in the former years, several useless apps have been designed just to “entertain” the customers. It seems unbelievable the way most users end up being dependent on these apps and how strange the places where some people are willing to take their phones to are, just to keep using them; meaning, taking your mobile phone to the toilet is not ok.

To continue, people say that our phones let us talk to our friends and family whenever we want, but nobody mentions how many misunderstandings applications like whatsapp can lead to. Maybe we should reconsider if being able to talk to everybody at any time is something that benefits us or not.

In conclusion,  mobile phones are a great invention, but the next time you find yourself sending messages in your bathroom, ask yourself whether you are overusing the gadget.
Ana Laura Peralta 2B

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