8 January 2015

Mobile phones _F

Mobile phones are one of the most useful technological advances of our decades. They provide communication, work, entertainment… Personally, I think that mobile phones make our lives easier but, apart from being fantastic, they can also be annoying in certain situations and distract our attention from important things.

In my view, when you are with a friend, for example, speaking and catching up you shouldn’t answer your phone if it rings because that interrupts the conversation and it’s very exasperating for a person talk with someone that doesn’t listen. It is disrespectful.

Because mobile phones allow us to be connected with the world all day, we become addicted to all advantages they provide and little by little we are depending on these devices, making us forget that real life is out there and you have to live it. We become less and less sociable.

All in all, mobile phones are great tools to make life easier, provided they don’t substitute real life. It is about knowing when to use your mobile phone and when to stop using it. It is about selfcontrol.
Estefania Ainsa 2B

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