2 February 2016

TV series in original version

TV series are nowadays getting very popular in people’s lives and they love it and follow them every day. I like TV series and strongly recommend them in original version, even though you do not know the original language.

First of all, TV series are longer than movies and, although if you miss an episode you may get lost, they create a feeling of tension season after season. Moreover, viewers usually fall in love with the cast and the main characters and end up hatting a specific character.

On the other hand, watching TV series in original version has its benefits because you are able to see the role performed by the actor the way the director wanted it to be. Despite the fact people prefer to watch TV series in their own language, it is delightful to watch the real actor talking instead of another person’s voice. However, there are the subtitles for everyone to understand what the plot is about.

In conclusion, people love TV series that are becoming a fad and they are amazingly better in original version.

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