31 January 2016

Spanish matador investigated for bullfighting with baby


  1. When I saw the photograph that Francisco Rivera uploaded, I thought that he was an irresponsible father. Although he believes that his daughter was safe because he is confident about his "job", he must know that it's dangerous to expose a child to this risk. Francisco should be humble and think that it could have ended badly.

  2. I think that carry his daughter to the work its a good idea, if the work is a safer one. Because carrying your daughter to a situation of extrene risk like in the photograph is something that only silly people could do.

  3. Some years ago, Steve Irwin, an animal defensor, was highly critiziced for entering with his four month-old-son in the crocodrile pitch. The situation here is basically the same. People consider these behaviours as temerary and dangerous for the kids. And they are, of course, but it's their parents' responsibility. In the meantime, hundreds of children in Spain, are starving, living in the streets, beaten by their parents, or with access to fire weapons, and nobody cares about them because they are not famous.

  4. Bullfighting is an “art” form performed by people who decide to dedicate their life to fighting bulls in order to entertain people. Although it is really popular in some places, it has raised a lot of controversy around the world. Either way, it's a cultural activity, so I won't mess with that, but carrying a baby while doing it is just insane. I don't really care if bullfighting is going to be banned, but putting a baby in danger should indisputably be illegal.

  5. I think that Francisco Rivera shouldn't have brought his daughter there because it's a dangerous situation, even if he is considered an "expert". It's his choice to do it or not, but in my opinion, it is an irresponsability. Bringing little children to this type of jobs makes them have no respect for animals in the future.

  6. I will never understand which are exactly the "values" of animal mistreatment. I can't neither understand why does Francisco Rivera say that the girl was safe in her father's arm because it's obvious that, although his great abilities in bullfighting "art", there could have been an accident. Therefore, there's nothing that justifies his action. Finally, I am astonished due to the incompetence of some people to understand some basic and ethic ideas.

  7. In us opinion we think that the bullfighter is a profesional and he has never put his daughter on risk. We agree with that action because we think that is an art and the culture, and we need to promove that. (Pablo and Joel)

  8. Bringing your daughter while you are bullfighting it's an irresponsable act, but beeing his dad a bullfighter who thinks that killing animals for fun or for "art", we couldn't be expecting this men to do anything else but irrational acts. So, with that said, I can only say that this men should be punnished not just for putting his own daughter in danger but for killing a lot of indefense and inocent animals, who just have been grown for beeing killed for some hartless people.

  9. I think that all the debate created nowadays in Spain, doesn't make sense because every day we are all in contact with a lot of problems like when we are eating, we can choke with a fillet steak or other kind of food. For this reason, if we think of the dangers involved, we would never do anything.

  10. No matter what job you have, bringing your children to work is unusual. I think that if there aren't any extraordinary reasons for it, you shouldn't bring your children to work let alone if it's such a dangerous one. It's temerary and ridiculous putting your new-born's life in risk just because it's a "family tradition". He says there was no risk, but what if something had happened? You can never know how one of these animals can react.

  11. It's true that bullfighting is a tradition that has been done during centuries. However, that doesn't mean I'm in favour of bullfighting, actually from my point of view, this activity should be banned so as to not make the animals suffer anymore. In addition, I think that Rivera shouldn't have brought his daughter during his performance (if we can call that to bullfighting) because it could have ended bad.

  12. I think that this man hasn't got anything in his head, because to put a child in this situation is a thing that, from my point of view is bad for the country image. However, he is the father of this little baby, and he can do what he wants with him.

  13. I don't agree with the arguments wich defense Francisco Rivera. Carry your daugther in bullfigthing it's a risk. It's true that everybody can carry them childen in work, but only if this one is safe.

  14. Francisco Rivera shouldn't have brought his daughter with him during a bullfight. He has put his baby in danger without any reason which is irresponsable and immature. A bullfighting is not a safe place ever for him, how can it be safe for a baby? He thinks that his daughter is safe because he is very confident about his capcity in his job but accidents happen so, the safety is not guarnate.

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  16. Bullfighting in my view is a terrible and cruel action, I disagree with the idea that it's an art, in my opinion killing an innocent animal in order to have fun is a crime. So strarting with that, this is not something that we can call a "job", and bring your daughter to such a dangerous place is a completley irresponsable. In addition, his daughter is too young and show her such a violent action is so dangerous for her to develoup.

  17. I don't agree with this man, the security of a child is very important and bullfighting is a dangerous job, some people can say that it is an art, but I think that it could be very serious if the child had fallen down. And nowadays the parents should teach good actions to their children and killing a bull is not the best way. We have to enjoy and respect nature.

  18. Bullfighting is one of the most popular topic of discussion in Spain. Some people say that's an art and other people say that is a terrible crime against nature. I really don't like to talk about this topic because although I agree with people who says it is a tradition of spain, I think that is an cruel action make suffer an animal until its death. Nevertheless, I think it's inadmissible the action of Francisco Rivera, endanger his daughter with this situation it has no sense.

  19. In mi opinion, Francisco Rivera put his child at risk although it was his work and he thought he could control the situation. Bullfighting it is a very dangerous job and nobody can control perfectly the animal. Besides, I agree with the animal rights group PACMA and also with the anonimous person who write on twitter because this is not a way to teach children to respect animals.

  20. On the one hand I think Francisco Rivera was his rights because if I'm an engineer in the future, I'd like to teach my son my own work. On the other hand, he works abusing the bulls and I think that girl, his daughter, won't respect the animals in the future as much as they need. Furthermore, bullfighting is the most comented topic in Spain and I think that the actions of people who don't respect the animals, it'll ends up with the exctintion of that.

  21. Bullfighting is a topic really controversial in Spain. Some people believe that it's an activity that cause damage to the bulls. However, there are some others that are agree with it because they consider it like an art. Anyway, I think that Francisco Rivera put his baby in danger and it's something that he shouldn't repeat again.

  22. Bullfighting is the biggest exponent of cruelty in Spain. Killing any animal is not an entertainment but an attack to animal's rights. Bullfighting should be totally banned but it will be imposible if some people like Francisco Rivera think that bullfighting is an art and these groups will teach their sons and daughters in the same way. Moreover you are just not killing and animal, also you put in danger your own daughter.

  23. In my opinion bullfighting is a way of torture which shouldn't exist, because it shows how human want to show their power by killing other animals. Also I don't understand how this man takes his own soon to a dangerous place, it's not safe, he get gored in the past, he should know what is going to find there.

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  25. Bullfighting is a controversial topic because it's dangerous and it's against the animals'rights. This job can endanger the bullfighter and kill the bull, that's why I believe that Francisco Rivera shouldn't have held his daughter in his arms while he was near a bull.

  26. Bullfighting it's a very dangerous work, for some people it shouldn't exist, and for some other's considered an "art"; but what is obvious it's that you can't take your own daughter into a field with a bull, it clearly takes a lot of danger. You can decide to risk your life on killing an animal, but you can't decide for your daughter and put a baby in such an incredible hazard. It's not ethical...

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  28. In our opinion, it is unsafe to do bullfighting carrying a baby in your arms. What Francisco Rivera has done is shameful because it shows children not to respect animals and put babies into a dangerous situation. Although matadors defend what he did saying that it is a Spanish tradition, they should understand that he put her daughter in risk. (Isabel & Miriam)

  29. It's known that bullfighting has been a Spanish tradition for a long time, although society and its values have changed in these last years. I agree in keeping and continue practicing traditions and parents should do whatever they think is the best for their kids, as long as it’s not illegal. However, I disagree in torturing animals and risking babies’ lives.

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  31. For some people, bullfighting is considered an art, but for some others it's a cruel and negligible job. Independently of the opinion that I have about this issue, the reality is that Fran Rivera has exposed her daughter to a big danger although he doesn't want to admit it. It's parents responsibility to decide what to do and how with their children, as long as it doesn't be harmful and dangerous for their innocent lives.

  32. For some people, bullfighting is considered an art, but for some others it's a cruel and negligible job. Independently of the opinion that I have about this issue, the reality is that Fran Rivera has exposed her daughter to a big danger although he doesn't want to admit it. It's parents responsibility to decide what to do and how with their children, as long as it doesn't be harmful and dangerous for their innocent lives.

  33. I don't agree with Rivera's action. He looks a irresponsible and reckless father that doesn't take care of his children. Moreover, if he was doing another thing that was useful, I could understand it (althought it could be dangerous), but he's only showing her how kill an animal. If you have the desire to kill animals at least try to keep your children don't have this important problem you have. Regrettable and pathetic.

  34. Many people believe that bullfighting is an important spanish tradition. From my point of view, it seems cruel and unfair for the animals. People spend a lot of money to go and see them be mistreated, and then they complain if the bullfighter gets hurt. I think that anybody hurt during these spectacles deserves it. In addition, I find it appalling that someone would put their child at risk just to continue with a silly tradition like this one.

  35. First of all, when I see that photo, it doesn't really surprise me. Someone who can be able to killing an animal like this in front of millions of people just because is a tradition, can be able to anything even putting their son in risk. What rally affects me about this is the way of a bullfighter have to keep alive this tradition and feeling proud of it instead posting a photo about he sharing his "job" with his son.

  36. From my point of view, bullfighting is a symbolic Spanish tradition that nowadays has become a controversial topic due to the present people's preocupation about the bulls' integrity. As a consequence, every controversial fact related to bullfighting that happens turns into a useful attack on the bullfighting tradition. However, it is true that what Francisco Rivera Ordónez has done makes no sense and has no excuse. It doesn't matter if it's a family ritual, safety is more important , and the baby , in front of a bull with no protection, wasn't safe at all... Finally, I think traditions are part of the countries' culture and identity, therefore, people should respect bullfighting and other traditions, in order not to become a uniform world.

  37. In my view,it is not right for a father to endanger his daughter, even if he is a good bullfighter.
    On the other hand, I think the man who criticized the event just wanted to create controversy, since Rivera did the same with his other daughter and nobody said a word abuot this.

  38. Everyone must be aware of their own actions. Although there are many traditions behind a certain action, nobody must risck a baby's life practising bullfighting with her in his arms.
    What's more, bullfighting is a way of torture, and in my opinion, nobody should enjoy watching how men are killing a bull. It's respectable but I completely disagree.

  39. I think Francisco Rivera has been irresponsible for exposing his daughter in front of a danger like this, considering that you can't know how this animal can react. I also agree with those who have criticized this action based on their respect towards animals, as this is not a good way to teach them to have respect for animals in the future.

  40. This photo has shoched me. I think it's horrible. What kind of person can think of taking his daughter in front of a bull to bullfight? In my opinion Francisco Rivera is exposing his daughter to a situation of extreme danger. And all the people that defend this man are completely crazy.
