2 February 2016

Smacking children

Some years ago, smacking wasn’t frowned upon and it was a regular occurrence in family life. Nowadays, just the opposite happens and it can be penalized.

On the one hand, the fact of smacking children is not a wrong manner to educate them, on the contrary, when they grow up, they thank their parents for that because it is necessary that the child learns, by hook or by crook (our case), what is right and what is not. This is like a warning. Therefore, I think that smacking shouldn’t be banned while certain limits are respected.

On the other hand, it is true that any nonviolent form used for the same purpose will always be better than smacking. Violence is the last resort that should be taken, it is the most effective and used though.

In conclusion, smacking children shouldn’t be banned because it is an effective way to educate them. But it’s true that everything has a limit.

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