2 February 2016

Can TV series effect our society?

Thanks to the astonishing evolution of technology, nowadays it is quite common for people to sit on the sofa and watch televison. Therefore, our society is used to watching TV series to keep them entertained. 

Personally I think that TV series are very fun to watch and help people disconnect for a bit while they sit down, relax and enjoy. In addition, I believe that the original versions are always better than the voiceovers, due to the fact that they are usually funnier and make more sense, and they can also give us a hand in improving new languages. Other people believe that TV series can brainwash those who watch them. As a result people can watch too many hours of television and can even believe that the live in the series.

In conclusion, as far as I'm concerned, watching TV series can be very delightful, as long as we don't watch too much of them and we remember that it is just ficcion and not reality.

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