8 February 2017


It’s widely known that bullfights are one of the most controversial celebrations in Spain. There are some cities like Seville and Granada where they’re still celebrated and others that are fighting against it, like Barcelona. For this reason, there are arguments for and against this celebration.
On the one hand, people who are for say that it’s part of the Spanish culture and tradition because it has been taking place for many years and it’s considered a national party. Furthermore, it’s an engine for the national economy because Spanish people and tourists go. Related to that, it’s true that many people depend on this celebration so they are working for this sector.
On the other hand, bullfighting is considered animal torture because it’s not fair for bulls to die in fatal conditions. Moreover, the government could spend this money on other things like improving education and healthcare. Finally, traditions have to change and we have to evolve towards other moral traditions.
In conclusion, even though there are people who are pro this celebration, we consider bullfighting immoral and we don’t see like art because there is no beauty in it.

Júlia Gonell and Laura Costa

1 comment:

  1. Times have changed now and bullfighting is also seen as an act of violence, which it actually is. Traditions have changed over a period of time. Thanks for sharing such useful piece of information.
