3 March 2015


Is the LOMCE a new Law of Education?

No. The LOMCE is an amendment of the existing school reform LOE (Organic Law of Education).
What are the general objectives of the LOMCE?

Adhering to the European Union guidelines regarding education, the Europe 2020 Strategy and the need for improvement in education in this country, the general objectives are:

  • To reduce variations in requirements and demands within education systems throughout the country. 
  • To lower the drop-out rates in compulsory educational levels (pupils under the age of 16). 
  • To improve levels of achievement in Compulsory Secondary Education. 
  • To improve students’ level of knowledge in basic subjects. 
  • To establish a clear system of progress indicators according to educational objectives. 
  • To increase the autonomy of schools. 
  • To generalise and spread the use of ICT within education. 
  • To promote and update vocational training studies. 
  • To improve foreign languages learning. 
  • To streamline the educational offer.
What is the structure of the education system with the LOMCE?
When will it be implemented and in which courses?

How does the LOMCE affect Key Competencies?

The nomenclature and definition of Key Competencies in the LOMCE is based on a European Commission document on 21st century competencies.

The LOMCE defines 7 competencies: 
  • Linguistic competence 
  • Mathematical competence and basic competences in science and technology 
  • Digital competence 
  • Learning to learn 
  • Social and civic competencies 
  • Initiative and entrepreneurship 
  • Cultural awareness and expression 
Are some subjects more important than others?

Within the LOMCE subjects are classified in three ways: 

Obligatory core subjects: 

These are the same for pupils throughout the country at each educational stage. They should take up at least 50% of the school timetable and everything is established by the Government in relation to these subjects. 

Obligatory specific subjects: 

There are three of these and a student should study two in each course; Physical Education and a choice between Religion or Social and Civic values. Performance Indicators are established by the Government in these subjects. 
Elective subjects dependent on the Autonomous Community or School: these subjects are designed by the each of the Autonomous Communities. According to the stage, the offer of this type of subjects is more or less wide-ranging. The only obligatory subject offered and programmed each year at all stages is the Co-official Language in Communities where this applies.

How many assessments will there be and what are the objectives behind these?

3rd Primary 
This is a diagnostic evaluation to detect difficulties and implement improvement measures. 
Each Autonomous Community carries these out and there are no academic repercussions. 
6th Primary 
This is an external exam, the same for all students across the country. The Government will develop and design the evaluation criteria and characteristics for these tests. 
Competencies are measured: what the student knows and what the student knows how to do. 
The results will be informative and orientative for Secondary. 
4th Secondary 
This is an external exam, the same for all students across the country. The Government will develop and design the evaluation criteria and characteristics for these tests. 

There will be two final exams: 
4th Secondary: Academic. Successful students are awarded a Secondary Education Certificate (ESO Diploma) in Academic Education, which is necessary to enter Bachillerato – the post-compulsory stage of Schooling. 

4th Secondary: Applied. Successful students are awarded a Secondary Education Certificate (ESO Diploma) in Applied Education, which is necessary to enter Vocational studies at the Middle Grade Training Cycle level (Ciclos Formativos de Grado Medio) 
Independently of the course studied at 4th Secondary, pupils can sit whichever one of the two exams, and if they should so wish, both of them. 
This assessment has academic repercussions because students who pass are awarded the Secondary Education Certificate (ESO Diploma). 

2º Bachillerato 
This is an external exam, the same for pupils across the country. The Government will develop and design the evaluation criteria and characteristics for these tests. 
This assessment has academic repercussions because students who pass are awarded the Bachillerato Diploma (comparable to A-Levels). 

iF YOU WANT TO READ MORE, CLICK HERE http://www.macmillanelt.es/askmacmillanabout/faq-about-the-lomce/basic-aspects-of-the-lomce/

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