25 January 2015

First year students should stay in university halls rather than share a flat.

There are a lot of students who prefer to share a flat, however there are others students who prefer a university hall. 

On the one hand, I think that sharing a flat is a good idea to start an indepenent life. When a student shares a flat, he is more responsible, however it comes a day that tasks aren’t done. Sharing a flat is good to be respected and respect the others, too. In my opinion I think that staying in a university hall is better than sharing a flat because students are more controlled.they are more controlled, and they are at the same time more responsible, so in my view these two options are good.

On the other hand, there are some inconvenients. One of them is that students who share a flat go on party frequently, consequently they don’t study enough, therefore they have low marks. About living in university halls, I know is The best option for me is to live in a university hall. It is more expensive than sharing a flat, but also it 
is  it is also easier. 

In conclusion, students should be more concentrated, but I prefer to share a flat, I think that all students grow up as people, however the first year students should stay in university halls, because they are not used to living alone.
Judit Pons 2A

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